
Water is probably the most important thing that we consume, but it has to be GOOD WATER!

If we drink toxic water (fluoride, drugs, etc.) then we are probably doing more harm than good.  When I was a kid, we didn’t even think about water, when we were thirsty we drank tap water (bottled water was not invented yet).

The problem is that many of the municipal water supplies in the US are toxic, however, the “safe” standards are met, so nothing is done about it.

The problem is that modern science has proven that these levels pose countless health risks.

There are 160 contaminants that are unregulated, and therefore have  NO LEGAL LIMITS! Frighteningly the EPA  has refused to add any new contaminants to their listing of regulated tap water pollutants in over two decades!  Not doing their job!

My home uses a well with a whole house filtration system, and we drink distilled.  Distilled is great because it helps better flushing toxins out of the body, and it makes my coffee taste better! 🙂  This seems to be good, so we’ll keep it up.  I would recommend using some type of quality filter for your home as well.  We use an Aquasana whole house filter.

If you are interested in checking the quality of your municipal water, go to Environment Working Group https://www.ewg.org/tapwater/.  They have a fairly good list of areas with the found contaminants and filter suggestions.

To Your Health!


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